Written by: Jacques Ye

Not every one of us is a good musician, but the enjoyment of music is not only the privilege of those who are good at playing instruments. Muses love to accompany both artists and the unlearned, as long as their admiration for harmony is sincere. There is such a place at our school, a place that opens its doors to the learned and the unlearned alike to enjoy music in and of itself – the weekly school music club headed by Mr. Milne in room 704 of the staff members’ building.

Located on the left-hand side just out of the lift, the glass-windowed room is clean and organized. The space is enough for 20 students or so, and there are plenty of seats and an air-conditioner to boot. The club members meet at 12:10 every Wednesday to perform some classic figures together, help others prepare for music contests or simply improvise whatever comes to mind.

“It is relaxing, surprising, sometimes a little frustrating, but always pretty fun,” said Mr. Milne, “I enjoy communicating with students in this way and seeing them find a new path in music.” He said the motive for him to start the music club is that there are many musically talented students in the program and he’d like to give them an opportunity to express themselves. The club is currently comprised of 5-9 students, mainly from grade 11 and grade 12. Attendance is not mandatory and students can come to the club activity whenever it is convenient for them. The club also welcomes students who are not instrumentalists but have musical aspirations, and Mr. Milne will instruct those students by himself. There is a piano available in the classroom and Mr. Milne is more than glad to lend instruments in his possession, but it is still recommended to bring one’s own instrument. The club shall most certainly continue next term and Mr. Milne has a plan in mind for the club to perform in front of the school during one of the future assemblies.

The members also shared their thoughts and experiences related to the club with me. “I’ve had a good time and it is a friendly environment,” said Amber, a member from grade 11. “Most of the time it is interesting, though it is boring to help others practice,” said Viorina, a member from grade 12. While the club is great, there is always room for improvement in everything. An anonymous student suggested that, though the activities are interesting, some organizational work could be done to improve the music club. “If you are interested, please come and check out the club, Wednesday at 12:10, in room 704 of the staff members’ building,” said Mr. Milne.