Steven Qiu (grade 12)
As the last event that the Grade 12s can enjoy at Luwan Senior High School’s BC program, the movie competition successfully provided them a best present before going to university. All the movies were made by the students. All the student’s efforts during their three years in Luwan was marked down and remembered by everyone.
The content of the movie competition involves the Grade 12 Chemistry Lab Safety Video, the Acid Rain Video and some other videos like records of Frisbee games of the Luwan Kraken Team. As the leader of the team, I feel so depressed because this may be the last time to see myself playing Frisbee here.
The most important thing is the student council provided popcorns for students and everyone was laughing happily with a pack of popcorn in their hand when they were watching videos. Popcorn made everyone excited and gave them the impetus to enjoy all these videos more.
“I think the videos are all interesting, especially Jeff, he’s that bald guy, ha-ha!” said John, a person who finished two packs of popcorns during the first day of the event. He smiled so happily. We can imagine he enjoyed this competition a lot.
Mr. Berg gave students in each classroom a piece of paper to choose the best among these movies, for example, the best actor, the best video and so on. Everyone marked the paper and handed them in after watching the videos. The final results will be displayed during our final ceremony at the end of June.
“The last thing I remember about Luwan, maybe it will be the movie competition,” said Jimmy Yin, a student eating popcorn, “because it is the last interesting thing I did in this school.”
It is the last chance for Grade 12s to make such a video like the acid rain video, but if the Grade 11s and Grade 10s can learn from the Grade 12s and improve them, I believe that they can make much better videos.
As a result, the movie competition is not only a competition, but a proof that the Grade 12s stayed in this school for three years, and the movies show the effort and knowledge that they learned here. The most important thing doesn’t belong to who is the winner, but belongs to everyone who got involved and enjoyed the event.