Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Welcome to a new year at Luwan Senior High! I’m excited to greet both familiar faces and those joining us for the first time. Each year brings new possibilities, and this one is no different. Together, we will build a year of growth, discovery, and meaningful...
Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Another exciting year has begun at Luwan Senior High School, and I extend a warm welcome to all our students, parents, and educators. Let’s embark on this new school year with enthusiasm, positivity, and eagerness. Our Luwan BC Program continues to shine, all...
2023 Star Students

2023 Star Students

CINEC Star Student Program is for promoting and recognizing excellence in the CINEC community. This program aims to celebrate the exceptional achievements of our students and provide them with well-deserved recognition. Through a rigorous selection process, we have...
Spring Outing

Spring Outing

Betty Jiang On the 10th of March, we finally went on another spring outing after two years! After about 3 hours, we arrived at the entrance of the Ocean Park together. We first went to the entrance of the park and took some great group photos. The teachers also posed...