Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

I would like to give a warm welcome to everyone here at Luwan, both new and returning students. New students, push your comfort zones, try new things, get the most out of your time here at Luwan. Returning students, I’m very proud of all the great work you’ve done and...
Pro or Con?

Pro or Con?

Anny Chen (grade 12) Recently, students from different grades engaged in debate in their English or ELL class. For a lot of students, this was a unique experience at school. This debate involved different topics, included some controversial and popular topics. The...
Acid Rain Documentary

Acid Rain Documentary

Written by Lilian Ye Last week the Chemistry 12 and Fine Art 12 classes had a cooperative project making acid rain documentaries. Documentaries seem boring and monotonous to many students, but our groups all had some special ideas. Each group went to a different place...
Luwan Film Festival

Luwan Film Festival

Steven Qiu (grade 12) As the last event that the Grade 12s can enjoy at Luwan Senior High School’s BC program, the movie competition successfully provided them a best present before going to university. All the movies were made by the students. All the student’s...
English Olympics

English Olympics

Author: Michelle Chen (gr. 12) English Olympics is one of the events in the BC program’s repertoire. Students always have a lot of fun in this annual event. The activities included are different every year. Teachers are responsible for the organization of this event...

Luwan BC’s Podcast

When the students think of Art Class, the first word which comes up in their mind must be “creativity”. This semester, the students in art class showed the creativity through their excellent performances in those interesting assignments like drama and making a stop...