

The Halloween party is one of the Luwan students’ favorite events. Not only because it’s a day with little school work, but also because of the fun activities. If we are talking about the Halloween party, we have to talk about the games. This year, we kept some...
A letter about University Life

A letter about University Life

by Jerry Xiao Hi there! I am glad that Mr. Berg gave me a chance to share my stories with you. I have a lot to say.  I’m currently studying my first year of the Computer Science program at the University of Toronto. Having spent nearly a month in the university, I...
Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

I would like to give a warm welcome to everyone here at Luwan, both new and returning students. New students, push your comfort zones, try new things, get the most out of your time here at Luwan. Returning students, I’m very proud of all the great work you’ve done and...
Graduation ceremony

Graduation ceremony

Author: Jimmy Yin Finally, our big day arrived. We came one by one wearing our graduation outfits, walking from the entrance to our seats while the graduation music was playing. We were laughing and talking to each other about our future just before walking into the...