Spring Outing

Spring Outing

Betty Jiang On the 10th of March, we finally went on another spring outing after two years! After about 3 hours, we arrived at the entrance of the Ocean Park together. We first went to the entrance of the park and took some great group photos. The teachers also posed...
English Olympics and STEM Challenge Day!

English Olympics and STEM Challenge Day!

Kevin Tan During April, the teachers set up two amazing house team activities, which is English Olympic Games and making the greatest trebuchets. On that day, during the first activity, it goes with two rounds, and has six tasks. Each house team needs to be divided...
Dodgeball Tournament

Dodgeball Tournament

Author: Anthony Zhu On February 28th and March 23rd, the students of Luwan BC had a house team activity, which was a dodgeball game. The basic rule was that a player is out when hit by a ball, but not out if the ball hits the ground first before hitting them. If a...