by CINEC | Sep 20, 2019 | 学生天地, 新闻动态
For me the beginning of September is always a great time of the year. This beginning of another school year is in many ways another ‘new year’ and as such, one of new beginnings and opportunities for our students. As this too is also my first year at Luwan BC, it is...
by CINEC | Aug 20, 2019 | 学生天地, 新闻动态, 毕业生
Luwan Senior High School graduating classes are embarking on a new adventure in education and experience. With record numbers in scholarships for most schools, and offers galore, our students are able to select their top choice. Students were able to collectively...
by CINEC | May 30, 2019 | 学生之星, 学生天地, 新闻动态
In my opinion, Aileen is an excellent student in our class, whether in studying or getting along with other classmates and her teachers. Aileen is an amicable person who has a good relationship with her classmates. No matter who is in trouble, she will help him or her...
by CINEC | May 28, 2019 | 学生天地, 新闻动态
Spring is here. The grass is growing and the birds are flying. At the time of me writing this article, its Tomb Sweeping Festival (Qingming Festival), and the time is good. Poetry can be felt throughout the halls of the BC. BC students are studying a poetry unit in...
by CINEC | May 28, 2019 | 学生天地, 新闻动态, 社团和球队
It was finally April 24th, time for the 2019 BCOS Ultimate Tournament. All of the Krakens must have remembered that we earned third place last year. This time they aimed higher, trying to get into the finals. Everybody arrived at school so early that day: They were on...
by ronald | Apr 30, 2019 | 新闻动态
By Irene “Oh, god, the provincial exam is coming!” Which exam scares Grade 12 students the most? That’s must be the English 12 Provincial Exam. The proportion of the English provincial exam is much greater than any other exam in grade 12. As a result, it will affect...