The most excited activity in LWBC in October must be chit chat. As all students are Chinese, it’s hard for them to fit into the English educational environment. The purpose of this activity is to provide a good opportunity for students to improve their spoken English. Since this is a game, it has both awards and punishments. All those factors above cause the activity to be more meaningful and enjoyable.

Chit chat is for every BC students in Luwan senior high school. Students are divided into six different colored house teams with ten or more members. The rule of chit chat is simply no Chinese can be spoken during the month and the students who are caught speaking Chinese by the teacher will lose one card. Each person can get 3 cards every day in the morning and give them back after 1:40. Mr. Berg, our principle at LWBC, counts the total number of cards each team has left each day. Besides, teachers give bonus cards to students who work hard or are able to solve some difficult questions in class. Punishments and awards are the part of game which students seem to pay the most attention to. In this year, the winning team won a pizza party at lunch and have their team flag fly high in the hallways, while the loser required to make a short song in praise of the winning team.

The first round of chit chat started on October 1st and was completed on October 31st. At the beginning, the yellow team always led, rarely losing cards and getting several bonus cards. Red team the winning team from last term, fell behind this time as red team members were caught by teachers a few times. It’s unlucky for pink team that this year they had a member who almost lost cards every day. For teachers, Mr. Chang is expected to be the MVP again, since he got over 6 cards on the first day and even more several other days. Although pink team was in bad situation at first, the following weeks made the situation totally different. As pink team worked hard to gain bonus marks and provided some help towards the grade 10 students who ran into some problems in this activity, the pink team had the possibility of getting out of last place. By coincidence, the orange team stayed in a bad condition at the end of the activity and they finally became the last place team. The yellow team kept their status until the end and they won first place. The rank of red team and green team had some slight fluctuations sometimes, but there was no great difference. During the chit chat activity, students compete with others and have a lot of fun at school.

The orange team was obviously quite upset after this game. They have to make a performance in several days. Students are excited about it and can’t wait for it. Overall, chit chat is a really good activity that is not only interesting, but also very helpful for students to improve English skills