Our News & Announcements
English Olympics

English Olympics

By Tom Zeng English Olympics, an educational competition that basically taught every participant how difficult English is, was held in May during lunch times. However, before the competition began, none of the competitors realized the danger of the competition, but...

Mr. Law’s Literacy Challenges and Mr. B’s Torrential Challenges!

Mr. Law’s Literacy Challenges and Mr. B’s Torrential Challenges!

By Ethan Mao  On April 25, 2021, BC students experienced a meaningful team challenge in anticipation of the Labor Day holiday. This project was divided into two parts: Mr. Law's literature test challenge and Mr. Bisnauth's science competition. Students from all three...

Star Students

Vanessa, a tenth grader in Luwan Senior High School is one of the Star Students this past semester. With her positive attitude and solid effort, she excels in various courses. For a freshman, it is not easy to adapt the new...

Easter Party

By Beatrice Ding  Luwan BC held an Easter celebration event April 2nd, 2021, and the celebration was based on a story. The Greek God, Zeus, had lost the spring due to a mistake he made, and humans will perish because of the long winter. Athena, Zeus’s...

The Hockey Tournament

By Milo Yin In Canada, field hockey is generally restricted to spring, summer and early autumn seasons, except in southwestern BC, where it can be played year-round. It is principally a girls' sport in schools, but is played by both men and women in adult leagues...

Some Senpaily Advice

By Steven Wu To clarify at the very beginning, I’m not writing to lecture you guys, but just to share some of my experience. I’m not going to spoil too much about what you are going to face in another country, since that’s the fun part, I’ll leave...

Second Semester Opening Assembly and Warm Up Activity!

By Jason Huang  The second semester has begun! On the first day back from school, we had an assembly to open up the semester. All the students and teachers were excited to participate as semester 1 ended abruptly due to a COVID-19...

Luwan Kraken Hall of Fame

Luwan Kraken Hall of Fame

By Fiona Lu  On November 11th, 2020, Luwan Senior High School’s BC program organized the term 1 assembly. During the assembly, Ms. Fortin, the principal of LWBC, summarized the students'...

Basketball Tournament

Basketball Tournament

Tim Chang  In the campus life of Luwan students, one of the most anticipated events is the annual basketball tournament. The basketball game is divided into groups according to the different house teams. Two house...

Pizza Party

Pizza Party

By Danny Yuan  Our red team won the first pizza party on November 30th by winning Chit Chat. Our teammates couldn’t wait to eat the pizza on that day, and even forgot to eat the original delicious school lunch as they always...

Science Challenge Day

Science Challenge Day

By Ivy Hua  On Tuesday January 19th, 2021, Luwan BC students welcomed the long-awaited science challenge. The challenge was made up of three parts: the strongest structure challenge, the potato chip ring experiment, and the roller coaster...

LWBC Halloween Celebrations

LWBC Halloween Celebrations

By Emily Wang & Elyn Wang  Yellow pumpkins, scary music, bloody scars. When we saw the decorations, we knew that the annual Luwan BC Halloween day was here again.  The student council prepared for this Halloween for...

Our Amazing Teacher Mr. Law

Our Amazing Teacher Mr. Law

By Marley He & Levi Liu  Mr. Law joined the LWBC family in 2019 at the beginning of the school year. He was a solid teacher and he taught us English and Social Studies. He aimed to devote himself to this...

Newspaper Fashion Show

Newspaper Fashion Show

Amy Chen & Jacky Chen October 10th was an unusual day for all students in Luwan BC, not only because of the wonderful student council election, but also because of the fabulous fashion show. Yes, it was the first time that all Luwan BC students from three...

The Intense Student Council Elections

The Intense Student Council Elections

By Olivia Chen and Ammie Du  As we all know, the student council is very important to a school because it takes all of the responsibility for the events and activities such as Halloween and Christmas. Since the last year's grade 12s graduated, the...

University of Calgary Presentation

University of Calgary Presentation

By Jacky Chen  In September, our Principal Ms. Fortin provided all students in Luwan BC the chance to explore universities in Canada. We really looked forward to listening to our first virtual presentation...

Marshmallow Reflection

Marshmallow Reflection

By Marley He  On Sept. 2nd Wednesday, we had our first Career Life Connection 12 class, a course designed to identify each of our personal interests, passions and goals in both our school and community. Also, for us...

Micole Mao’s UBC Presentation

Micole Mao’s UBC Presentation

by Ryan Cheng LWBC’ s first semester started a month and a half ago, and the 12 graders are already busy preparing for university applications. Due to the influence of covid-19, the LWBC graduates from last year were having their freshman year in Shanghai. But due to...

Our New Teacher – Mr. Bisnauth

Our New Teacher – Mr. Bisnauth

by: Eugene Cai and Roy Zhang Mr. Bisnauth is our new teacher in LWBC and this is already his sixth year of his teaching journey in China. In the past few years, after he finished his study in university, he came to China to start his teaching journey. In the first...

Principal’s Message – 2020

Principal’s Message – 2020

Another exciting year has begun at Luwan and I am thrilled to be part of this exceptional and dynamic school community. It is a real honour for me to have the privilege to work with such dedicated, caring, positive, energetic, and passionate teachers and students. As...

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Address: 885 Xie Tu Road, Shanghai, P.R.C.

Phone:(021) 63057744*132  |  (021) 63059166


Hours:Mon - Fri  07:30-15:30